Slant Six Forum

automatic transmission
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Author:  eastvan54 [ Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  automatic transmission

got me a 225 slant 6 - a904 automatic - the trannny takes some 30% of engine power to operate the tranny - am i right in this saying? - thinking of the standard a833 - though with my bad knees i might be stuck with the a904 - there is the a500 - with adaptability to the slant6 - the a904 even with upgrades i am not too sure - the car is a driver with a bit of attitude

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: automatic transmission

got me a 225 slant 6 - a904 automatic
In what kind of vehicle, with how much wear and tear on it?
the trannny takes some 30% of engine power to operate the tranny - am i right in this saying?
No, where did this number come from? The A904 takes vastly less than 30% of the engine power to operate. If the transmission were consuming 30% of the engine's power, it would get so hot it would melt into a heap of smoking slag.
thinking of the standard a833
Big, expensive, difficult swap. Take you a long time to break even on it.
there is the a500
What makes you think it takes less power to operate than an A904 which is identical except for the lack of the 4th gear?
with adaptability to the slant6
Kinda-sorta. It can be done, but you're looking at floor pan mods, crossmember mods, custom driveshaft, custom controller...this is another big, expensive, involved swap.
the a904 even with upgrades i am not too sure
Not too sure about what, exactly? The A904 is an excellent, very efficient transmission.

Author:  eastvan54 [ Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

have a 75 2 door dart swinger - doing a restoration - what about the upgrades for the a904 - i am sure that perhaps adding or better yet improving the tranny would be the best way to go -

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

What improvements are you trying for...? What do you want it to do that it doesn't presently do, or not-do that it presently does, or do differently?

Author:  Reed [ Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

For a daily driven 75 Dart the only modifications I recommend being made during a full rebuild are (1) make sure the 904 has part throttle kick down and (2) install a shift kit. Otherwise, leave it alone. Like Dan said, the 904 is a VERY well designed and durable transmission.

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