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1974 Duster.....water leak
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Author:  Valleyant [ Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  1974 Duster.....water leak

My '74 Duster was parked outside ( flat driveway ) for a few days while we had some decent showers. Went out to fiddle with it and found the plastic glove box liner filled with water as well as the passenger floor.
any thoughts....a bad front window gasket maybe??? if it is, does anyone suggest maybe popping off the stainless and resealing trouble areas with silicone??

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Also...

the wiper pivot seals could be compromised if these have not been replaced

Author:  Louise76 [ Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cabin water leaks: a Pandora's box of heartache.
-Wiper pivot seals are foam. Take down the pivots from below the cowl area and change the 3/4" foam donuts.
-Windshield trough rusted and or rusted through. Remove the windshield & re-work the metal area. Or temporarily carefully remove the trim strips and just seal the water out with gobs of occu-pucky.
- "Cowl" drains plugged. The "cowl" being the section between the hood and the windshield, where the fresh air intake grill is. That area under the grill has a small drain opening at each end, near the hood hinge/spring assemblies left and right. The drains are at the weld flange on the body inside the fenders. You can maybe see them with a mirror through the door jams. The drain holes get plugged with leaves and junk. To clean the inner cowl area and drain holes, go up through the fresh air doors for driver and pass, with a vacuum and maybe build some special hoses & tools to get over the lip. Or remove the heater and left air box. If air conditioned- I don't know- never had one.
- If really bad, then the plugged cowl drains caused that inner cowl to rust-through into the cabin, so all the water goes on the rug.
- Others may offer their thoughts??? We'v had 9 74-76 Darts, and in Seattle, they ALL leaked to some degree. :?

Author:  wjajr [ Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup you will have to do some detective work, wiper shaft seal, windshield gasket seal around glass, rusted out windshield support channels which its gasket occupies, and the can of worms supplied by cowl & related vents drain holes, and foam weather seal between heater box and cowl. Get everything dried out under the dash, remove glove box cardboard housing for easy access to wiper pivots and windshield support structure, and have someone wet the outside with a hose while looking for signs of water.

Perforated cowl floor near air vents, and air vent collar that sticks up an inch or so into cowl to prevent water intrusion to heater box can sealed stopping additional rust with a product such as POR 15. Perforations develop from wet plant debris and dirt accumulation not being removed on a regular basses from that area.

Author:  Valleyant [ Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thankyou guys!
Sounds like I have a date with a garden hose and pin point it!

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like I have a date with a garden hose and flashlight.......
Maybe even your chiropractor after under dash work performed.

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