Slant Six Forum

Voltage regulator recomendation
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Author:  Metal Turkey [ Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Voltage regulator recomendation

I have a 1966 Dodge D100 with 225 slant 6 I named Frozen since every part was frozen after setting for 26 years. I should have named it snail as long as it is taking me to get it running.

I'm using Valiant boy Wonder's HEI set up with a distributor, cap and rotor from a 73 dart,
Magnacor Wires,
reman 75 AMP Alternator for a 73.
I plan to use an Accel 140012 Coil

I'm not sure what voltage regulator I should pick up? should the Voltage regulator be an electronic version??

I have been reading a lot of threads but don't feel confident with the voltage regulator selection for my set up.

The engine is a total rebuild and I have not installed any of the electrical system yet so I can change out any of this stuff if you see any of my components are just not right.

This is just a stock daily driver so don't need anything fancy.

As I understand the balast resistor should be eliminated and the wires spliced to gather?

Thanks for all the help,

Metal Turkey

Author:  nm9stheham [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:40 am ]
Post subject: 

The older '66 regulator can be used with the new alternator if you:
- Connect one lead from the regulator to one field terminal on the alternator
- Ground the other field terminal on the alternator

If you want to use the later electronic regulator, then you need 2 separate wires to the field terminals on the alternator. You can see the wiring here:

From all I have read, you are better off finding a NOS regulator.

Author:  Metal Turkey [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the reply.

Since I have alternator, distributor, cap & rotor designed for a 73 Dodge I'm thinking you mean a NOS for a 73 Dodge and hook it up per the drawing?

I need to be compatable with the HEI system from Valiant Boy wonder.

The simpler the better chance I will have of getting it right.

Thanks for the help, this stuff is all above my pay grade.

Metal Turkey

Author:  69a100 [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I went with the newer style Regulator as I have never liked those little black boxes that are called regulators. I got the alt., reg., and as much wiring off a 74 something and put in on my van. ... arging.htm

Author:  Nicademas [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Or, if you want to spend some money. Buy a one wire alt. with the regulator in it. I did because i had problems with my regulator going out all the time. This would cause my headlights to burn out with the power spikes.......

Author:  Metal Turkey [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the great help. I think I will use the Accel 140012 coil as planed and a Voltage Regulator for a 73 Dodge to go along with the rest of my 73 components (Alt, Dist, cap, and rotor).

I will wire the VR per the 70's and up diagram you sent over.

This is all starting to make sense----I think.

Metal Turkey

Author:  SLANTEDRAM [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

these little guys work great 8) ... 17&vxp=mtr

Author:  Metal Turkey [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the info, I will hang on to that link. Great price for a original looking VR. I should know how the system I settled on works in a week or so.

Metal Turkey

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