Slant Six Forum

Recommended Thermostat 4 Summer Driver 68 Dart auto 270?
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Author:  suurthing [ Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Recommended Thermostat 4 Summer Driver 68 Dart auto 270?

Sadly im no mechanic. :( My dart temp gauge shows that im running a little hot--(in october...) but not boiling over--i should probably remove and check the thermostat rate and then replace it with a 180 -if the pre-installed is 195-no? It has--NEW radiator hoses sending unit thermostat (which one...not known)- all flushed. My brother thinks theres also is a slight pinch in the radiator hose...
im just not comfortable running it a little hot....or as the the 50 old temp gauge displays....maybe the gauge itself- is off too? is this common?

1- Any recommendations on the best temperature thermostat?

2- Should the possible pinched hose be shortened/replaced/ addressed?

Once again many thanks for any info or guidance

Author:  Reed [ Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Define "a little hot."

The stock thermostat rated for 195 degrees is fine and is what you should use. If your engine is overheating with the stock thermostat, then you have a problem. Could be a bad thermostat, could be a clogged/failing radiator, could be rust and scale buildup in the block and/or head, could be many things.

Is your Dart exhibiting any other symptoms?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

The stock/original rating for a '68 is 180° (195° came several years later). A 180° thermostat will be fine; I like the Stant SuperStat number 45358. A 195° thermostat is fine (beneficial, even) as far as the engine itself is concerned, but can create or aggravate fuel-related problems in hot weather. Do not make the mistake of putting in a too-cold thermostat (160°) or leaving the thermostat out to "fix" an apparent hot-running issue. First use an actual thermometer to determine the engine's actual coolant temperature. There's more discussion of thermostat ratings here.

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