Slant Six Forum

Early A Super 6 Conversion Questions
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Author:  neilskiw [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Early A Super 6 Conversion Questions


I now have the early V-8 pedal and throttle cable (thanks Doc) for super 6 upgrade on my '64 Valiant convertible.

I've yet to remove the carpet (and front seat for access), so I'm a bit puzzled as to how this will all bolt together.

Is the cable destined to pass through the firewall in the same hole the rod linkage has vacated?

I see undrilled dimples on the firewall, but they don't appear to line up with the cable/pedal lever mount.

Thanks for any and all wisdom (or wisecracks).

Author:  wjajr [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

You will need to mount pedal in such a way as to allow it to travel far enough to fully open throttle plates when it reaches the carpet. The accelerator cable should be about level as it passes through fire wall connecting to accelerator arm when pedal is not being depressed.

You may find once pedal is mounted and connected to accelerator cable a 1/4" or so shim may be necessary placed under lower edge of pedal mounting to floor flange to allow for a little longer pull on accelerator cable to get throttle plates fully open, and articulate kick down rods or cable to get it all to play well together.

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