Slant Six Forum

Gas tank pickup problems
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Author:  scottcab [ Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Gas tank pickup problems

Hello all,

I had the gas tank out of the cab of my 1966 D300 pickup. I dumped all of the old gas out and then flushed the tank about 10-15 times with water to get all of the rust or stuff out. I did not think to check the pickup tube while I had the tank out. I painted and reinstalled it into the truck and filled with gas. Thenrealized that my pickup tube seems to be cloggged. I applied 20 lbs of suction to the pickup, and only a very small amount of fuel came out. I then proceeded to blow into the pickup with a little low pressure air. It also would not allow me to blow into it.

I am thinking that there is a restriction at the pickup tube indside the tank. Any suggestions for testing/resolving this issue. If I end up having to pull the sending unit and pickup assembly out of the tank, where would I find a new one (and a part number)?

Scott C

Author:  bboogieart [ Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would maybe try to run a coat hanger through the tube.
Still gonna need to take it out or the crud in it will wind up in the tank.

Author:  scottcab [ Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  pickup check valve?

Should there be a check valve or anything in the pickup? Maybe I should try high pressure air into the pickup? OR pressurizing the tank through the fill? Lastly, should there be some kind of filter or anything on the bottom that I will damage or not be able to get through with a coat hanger?

Author:  scottcab [ Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Update

Just an update if someone comes across the same problem:
I ended up having to remove the pickup and sending unit. it was much easier than I anticipated. After removing it, I checked the pickup and sure enough it was full of hardened varnish. I had to drill out the end and then use a coat hanger to debris it. Then carb/choke cleaner to clean it out. Finally, I reinstalled and everything is good.

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