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Hm, im totally STUMPED! just wont start. any suggestions?
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Author:  holychrysler [ Tue May 19, 2015 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Hm, im totally STUMPED! just wont start. any suggestions?

1963 valiant. 170. ran wonderful. until one day it just simply would cut out and sputter massively under any kind of load. when it started it actually even backfired a couple times. it was idling normally. even in nuetral it would do the same thing when i would give it any throttle. so, i rebuilt the one barrel ball and ball again, new fuel filter, cleaned out all fuel lines, new gas in tank, distributor cap, rotor, condenser, points. ballast resistor is about 2 months old. it would still start. but still act the same way. so i started pulling plugs. all of them were soaked in oil. because the tubes need replaced i guess. but, put new plugs in, replaced wires. now it wont start at all. just turns over and over. have spark at the plugs. and fuel. so, i thought that the distributor shaft was a bit to loose. and decided to replace the distributor with a brand new one. after all that hadnt been replaced yet. and it still will not start. thought i could have possibly stabbed it 180 degrees out. so i stabbed it again and nothing. still just turns over. i am stumped and could really use some help. this is my daily driver and i need to figure this out ASAP. just so ya know, ive never messed with the timing of the motor. it had always ran perfect. anyone have any suggestions? i would really appreciate it. thank you in advance.

Author:  cpslntdchrg [ Tue May 19, 2015 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mhhh, you changed too many things at the same time... Use the older distributor, check the cables, connection order, the distributor cap and rotor, all connections to coil. Timing the distributor back can take time, check the rotor tip, should be near the vacuum pod (were #1 is in the list cap) when engine #1 piston is at TDC, with valves closed (you might need to take the valve cover out and all the plugs, and rotate the engine by hand to check timing and setting the engine at TDC with valves closed, when doing that check also if the damper TDC mark corresponds to the actual valve-crankshaft positions). Play back and forth with the distributor until it stars, you expect it to run rough, as it did before you pull the cables.

When timing the distributor, check also chain slack (rotate engine back and fort, and see how many degrees before the distributor moves). If too much, that is what might happened. (when was last time chain was changed?).

REPLACE the tubes o-rings and clean. Did you remove the spark plug compression rings? Which plugs are you using?

Author:  holychrysler [ Tue May 19, 2015 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

first of all i didnt replace everything at once. and ive checked all of the wires, cables ect. i intend to also go and check all of the things you have suggested i do. I just put ngk plugs in there. And yes i removed the little rings from each plug.

Author:  holychrysler [ Tue May 19, 2015 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh, by the way, i seem to keep second guessing myself. wire from tach goes to negative side of coil. vacuum advance goes to negative side of coil. battery goes to positive side. I s this not correct????????????

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue May 19, 2015 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  ????...!!!!!

vacuum advance goes to negative side of coil.
Vacuum advance needs vacuum it's a hose that goes from the can on the side of the distributor to the appropriate nub at the base of your carburator...


Author:  holychrysler [ Tue May 19, 2015 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

duh, my bad. thanks for pointing out that i said vacuum advance. hahahahah.i mean the wire from the distributor. now that we have cleared that up, if you could be nice enough to maybe answer my question that would be cool. I mean, after all, i am in a pickle here. And i obviously could use some help as well. I am finding it hard to see how pointing out that vacuum advance misshap could be a helpful thing to do at all. Unless i was actually writing an essay for school or something.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue May 19, 2015 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Points right?

Well since you didn't say "ignition module"...I will assume you are working on points...

... hot lead goes to positive post on coil... Tach and distributor lead go to negative post on coil...

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Tue May 19, 2015 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Hmmm....

If you have spark at the plug, compression and fuel, along with timing set even close to correct, it should start.

Is it cranking slowly, hard to turn over? That might be a sign that the timing is way off.

Mine wouldn't start recently and it was simply fouled plugs, but you said you changed those. Did you pull the newly installed ones and are they still clean? Does it fire at all, or nothing whatsoever?


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