Slant Six Forum

Injector Bungs in Cliiford manifold
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Author:  jcc [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Injector Bungs in Cliiford manifold

I was unable to find in a search an answer on this issue. I have a used what I believe to be the typical Clifford alum 4 bbl intake. Is there a normal/typical/preferred injector spacing? The cast in bosses in the outer cylinders do not appear to be centered? On those, do I center on the bosses, or center in the port?
And is the angle of the rough cast boss what I want or go steeper, if possible or is it even critical?

Application is non drag, performance street 225 in a Lancer.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I have the same manifold with efi.

Those bosses were originally meant for nitrous. My injectors are centered in the bosses more or less. There isn't enough meat there to center the injectors to the runner. It may not be ideal, but your only other choice would be to fill that area up with more metal before drilling. If memory serves me the middle cylinders have the bosses closer to the center of the runner then the outer ones.

The injector body will indicate how steep you can go. It's been a long time since I had the manifold off the engine but I recall the boss angle lead right to the valve.

Author:  jcc [ Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, the middle two are centered, and that explains a lot about the nitrous connection. Moving them by adding filler is likely difficult as it gets pretty close to the mounting tab area, and it sounds like it may not be critical anyway. I'll use the angle of the bosses as a guide. Thanks.

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