Slant Six Forum

Why'd that happen
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Author:  camiking23 [ Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Why'd that happen

Been short traveling since the904 install. And today while pulling out of the yard I saw smoke and the smell of a electric fire and a small puddle of fliud. I just installed a oil pressure gauge with copper wiring. I forgot to tie off the wire for the electric oil gauge and I'm guessing it touched the copper and caused the radiator to gush out. I moved the wire and cranked the truck up and no leaks anywhere.

Author:  65Dodge100 [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't see why your oil pressure wire would make your radiator "gush".

Does the oil pressure gage work okay now?

Do you still have radiator problems? Be careful to check the level.

Where was it gushing from?


Author:  camiking23 [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes the gauge works flawlessly. No the radiator doesn't leak or anything. It was leaking from the bottom hose and I check all fluids before I crank up every day

Author:  Reed [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Not to be rude, but I can't understand what your first post is saying happened.

What fluid was in the small puddle?

Do you mean the new oil pressure gauge sending unit was installed with copper tubing or copper wire? Most automotive electrical wire is copper.

What did you forget to tie off? The factory sending unit wire?

How is the radiator related to the wiring of the factory or aftermarket oil pressure gauge?

In order for us to help you we need a clear description of the problem and what has been done to the vehicle.

Author:  camiking23 [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm sorry. the fluid was coolant.
I installed a mechanical aftermarket oil pressure gauge and was advised not to use the plastic tubing so I got a copper installation kit.
Yes I forgot to tie off the factory oil pressure wire.
They are not related im just taking a guess on a wild event. saying that the factory wire has current and the copper tubing was the ground.

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