Slant Six Forum

Door problems.
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Author:  Wesola78 [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Door problems.

This is on my '78 Volare 2-door. For awhile now the driver's side door has been sagging badly, and now the passenger door will not open from the inside or outside.
The driver's door hinges need to be rebushed/rebuilt. On the passenger side, I guess I need to remove the door panel to see whats going on.
Any suggestions guys? At 52 years of age, I would prefer not to be doing the "Dukes of Hazzard" style of entry/exit. :shock:
Thanks for any helpful info or suggestions!
Thanks thanks thanks!!!

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  hinges, yes

Likely your hinges are worn out (provided the surrounding metal isn't simply rusted out). I'm not sure if you can buy replacement hinges for a '78 Volare, but perhaps so. Junkyard might have a good set if the car was wrecked long ago.

You can still get aftermarket rebuild kits for really cheap. If you're mechanically inclined, maybe the rebuild kit is OK. You have to remove the old hinge pins, drill out the hole to match new bushings, install bushings and new pins.


Author:  Wesola78 [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Brian!
The hinges don't look rusty at all, surprisingly. The hinges can probably be rebushed/rebuilt, I've just never done that before. I'll see if some of my buddies can lend a hand.
I figured out why the passenger door wouldn't open, that rod became disconnected from the handle.
Thanks for your reply!

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  no problem...

These kits are fairly easy to rebuild a hinge, the harder part is getting the doors adjusted properly when you put them back on. First, it's hard to get to the darn bolts (there are tricks) and second, if you don't have a helper handy, handling the door by yourself is tricky, you need some blocks and such to prop it up and position it while you tighten the bolts. There are some tools for adjusting doors while installing, but I've never used one nor do I know how. I'd be happy if anyone out there knows how to use this tool or if it is something valuable to have.


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