Slant Six Forum

Road Handling impact of wider rear track than front
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Author:  Al T [ Thu May 22, 2003 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Road Handling impact of wider rear track than front

Driving home from my car club meeting last night, we got passed by a late model Porsche Carrera and it appears that the rear wheels have got a wider track stance than the front end. It got me thinking as to what effect this has on road handling. More specifically, if an 8 3/4 rear from a B or C body was shoved under an early A body with the sheetmetal modified to accomodate, what might be the impact on road handling? Any thoughts?

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu May 22, 2003 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm. I was under the impression that slightly wider front track than rear was better. I have heard differing views on whether equal track or more front is better for Mopars. Of course, my reading/heresay is for front engine RWD cars, which have a very different weight distribution than those Porsches. My experience with different wheel offsets front/back is that equal track front and rear seems to handle best (at least in my subjective mind).

I'm sure the front/rear track for those Porsches is listed somewhere in R&T or a similar mag.


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