Slant Six Forum

Back to basics
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Author:  Hapster [ Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Back to basics

Well, slowed oil leak to next to nothing, filled the tank, fixed the wires, running nice, but decided to go back and fix it right. So after I get paid I am going to buy a new set of gaskets, pull the head and do it again.

degunk again around the leak when engine is warm (back of engine at #6 cylinder)
This time clean the top of the block-
put the head back on CAREFULLY not dinging head gasket.
Use a good gasket sealer on the pushrod side of the gasket.
use new manifold gaskets-
I might go ahead and modify the exhaust to use my dutra manifold since I have my welder now.

Author:  DadTruck [ Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

before you put the Dutra's on,
check the clearance from the manifold(s) to the manufacturing lugs on the side of the block, you will probably need to do some grinding there.

I also ground in a bit more socket clearance on the Dutra's for the bottom row of studs..

If I remember right the rear Dutra had more clearance issues than the front.

Author:  Hapster [ Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I only have the front dutra, I have to convert the manifold for the rear. I am going to wait till winter and see if I can afford a rear one and get a new intake with a water heat channel.

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