Slant Six Forum

Need Mechanic In North Carolina
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Author:  Augie Dog [ Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Need Mechanic In North Carolina

Greetings All,
It has been a while since I have been on here. My project truck with my son has basically come to a standstill. Well he lost interest when we couldn't get it running correctly which brings me to my question. I am in Apex,North Carolina near Raleigh and I am looking for a mechanic that knows these engines. I want to get this truck running and I know nothing about carbs. I can do the suspension and other necessities but carburetors make my head spin.I don't mind paying someone to help me out. So does any one know of a mechanic within a 100 mile radius of me that can help me out. You can also reach me at

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mike Andreas, who is occasionally on this site, has received lots of help from folks on this site and is pretty knowledgeable. Maybe he would like to help? He may know someone local to you as he is in Apex, I believe.

I did all my own engine work while I lived in the Triangle, so I don't know of a good person there for carbs and such.

Best of luck,


Author:  Augie Dog [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mike Andreas, who is occasionally on this site, has received lots of help from folks on this site and is pretty knowledgeable. Maybe he would like to help? He may know someone local to you as he is in Apex, I believe.

I did all my own engine work while I lived in the Triangle, so I don't know of a good person there for carbs and such.

Best of luck,

Thanks Lou for the information on Mike. I found him on members list and sent him a PM. I no sooner got the PM sent and he called me. We are getting together and discuss my truck.
Thanks Again

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