Slant Six Forum

rough 225
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Author:  zorg [ Sun May 25, 2003 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  rough 225

My '76 Swinger recently developed a cold starting problem. Right now it is just parked, but I start it about once a week to keep the 225 alive. The last couple times I started it, it cranks for a long time, and then as soon as it starts, it chokes and dies. After dieing a few times, if I give it just the right amount of gas as soon as it fires, it will stay alive. Once it warms up it is fine. It also always runs rough. I adjusted the valves recently, but that hasn't helped much. I plan on giving it a complete tune up soon. Should I figure out the problem before the tune up, or go ahead and hope the tune up fixes it? Any ideas what it is?

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue May 27, 2003 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I say do the tune up first. Could be a worn out accelerator pump diaphragm, or any number of things.


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