Slant Six Forum

No compression in 2 cylinders -head off with pics- question
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Author:  skizzy [ Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  No compression in 2 cylinders -head off with pics- question



I've been driving around with a 4 cylinder slant, it had a slight miss while stopped in drive, and gas mpg dropped to 10 or less. Pretty amazing it ran that well.

Compression test: 100 - 0 - 90 - 92 - 0 - 90

It had the stock type metal headgasket with no visible damage but I was getting a little white smoke, water in cylinders, and maybe some oil in radiator. Cylinders are not scored.

You can see 2 sets of valves that were clean with no compression. Push rods were in place and I watched each of them move while cranking.

I don't know what to do at this point. Chances the low numbers were from headgasket and valve sealing problems? I'm thinking about just dropping a craigslist motor in.. what do you guys do?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't see pictures here at work, but what I do to investigate a loss of compression is take the valve out of the end of my compression tester hose and put air into the cylinder to see where the air goes. Last time I did this I found leaky exhaust valves as they had been set too tight before I got the car. Having taken the head off makes this impossible so... Put the head on the bench chambers up and fill them with Kerosene or something similar to see if the valves leak. Check the valve stem heights as you might have valve seat recession. Have the head magnafluxed to see if it's cracked.

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