Slant Six Forum

Arrow suspension mods?
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Author:  GTS225 [ Mon May 26, 2003 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Arrow suspension mods?

Hi, guys. Anybody know what the two fast slant-powered Arrows are running for a front suspension?

Was looking over a Haynes manual for my '81 Challenger body, and came to the conclusion that the factory system should be ok, at least for now. I do have a couple ideas for switching from struts to coil-overs, though.

Any inputs from the gurus?


Author:  Slant Cecil [ Tue May 27, 2003 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Both are former Pro Stock cars. One was built by Don Hardy (Texas), the other Don Ness (Minn). Both are complete tube frames and don't use any of the stock suspension. The Ness car would have a aftermarket strut front end. Not sure what Hardy used, probably the same. Keep the struts if you can, they give less bump steer when going thru suspension travel.


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