Slant Six Forum

In auto tune mode one entire row is missed.
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  In auto tune mode one entire row is missed.

When I did an auto tune, one entire row in the VE table was left blank. This row is somewhere around 50% in a 16x16 table. The screen that shows which cells have been changed has a blank line right across the center. Of course I went back in and changed them manually to create a smooth transition from one cell to the next.

The question is: WHY? Is there something deffective in the hardware or software? Does this row of cells get ignored by the map when running in closed loop?

I did the session in 45 degree weather, and was surprised that it made everything so much richer. I thought the IAT compensated better than that.things were increased by as much as 20% in some cases. The engine did not operate in all cells, so some are clearly still wrong. I wonder if it would be smart to increase entire matrix by 10% to start a "Fall" auto tune?


Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:00 am ]
Post subject: 

No idea on the row drop. I am still using stone age MS1 software (megatune 2.25) and have never used autotune.

My experience is that IAT sucks for our application. I recall there is a way to change the slope of the correction factor, but I've never bothered. I think it's easier in the later versions of the software.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe Matt knows.


Author:  Matt Cramer [ Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:20 am ]
Post subject: 

The 3.3.0 and later MS2/Extra codes have the IAT correction editable directly; you'll want to upgrade if you don't have this already. Get a good VE table at your current temperature, then tune the IAT correction when the weather changes.

Can you post the data log of what was going on when it missed a row, or email it to me?

Author:  Sam Powell [ Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I think mine is 3.47. So it should be editable, but would not have a clue which way to change things. I think you just told me, but i would not know the details of that process. The correction apparently needs to be more aggressive.

Do I start the autotune before the data-log? I have always been vague about the sequence of button clicks to start and save a data log. Sometimes I luck out and get it right. :?


Author:  Matt Cramer [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Start the log first.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks. Sam

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