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Need adjustment specs for Holley 1945 R9890
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Author:  MattyBrown [ Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Need adjustment specs for Holley 1945 R9890

I just got done with a rebuild of my Holley 1945. Only problem is I'm not sure how to properly make adjustments. In the past I had followed the specs from the Chrysler training video which I'm assuming is from '74 or '75. But what I never stopped to realize is this is a late model of the 1945 and those specs probably don't match. SlantSixDan told me when I purchased it that it was the last revision of the 1945 from 1989. The model number on the carb is 9890 or R9890.

The rebuild kit I bought comes with a list of adjustment specs from 1974-1980, so I'm not sure which specs to go by. The Choke Pull-Off adjustment varies quite a bit year by year and also depending on whether its a car or truck. I really want to make sure this carb is fine tuned to perfection. Does anyone have any idea where I can find the proper specs for this specific model carb?



Author:  matv91 [ Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

From holley book 9890 after market replacement carb for 1980 chrysler cars 225 all trans, federal emissions. Dry float .047 pump link hole no 3 choke unload at wide open .250 vent valve adjustment .070 choke vacuum kick .104 . Well thats what the book says. Good luck

Author:  MattyBrown [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey matv91,

Thanks for the info. Can you clarify a couple things real quick?

For Choke Pull-Off, or Choke Vacuum Kick as your wrote it, is .104" correct or did you mean to write .140"?

Does your book specify Slot 3 as being for Automatic or Auto & Manual both. Most of the spec sheets I'm seeing have Auto & Manual as different slots. My car IS automatic. Also, did they include a measurement for the pump linkage?

Just curious, what book are you getting this from?



Author:  matv91 [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

For Choke Pull-Off, or Choke Vacuum Kick as your wrote it, is .104" correct or did you mean to write .140"?

Thats holleys term.The complete phrase in the book is [choke qualifying dimension ,vacuum kick ] holley book says .104, that could be a typing error?. fsm 1980 .110 for canda carbs, US auto .140 manual .150. There was a tech bulletin for 1980 auto cars built prior to february 1980. bulletin number 14-06-80. A new choke vacuum diaphram pull-off,chrysler part number 4240064 and choke coil assembly part number 4095332.Choke pull off spec changed to .130

Author:  matv91 [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does your book specify Slot 3 as being for Automatic or Auto & Manual both. Most of the spec sheets I'm seeing have Auto & Manual as different slots. My car IS automatic. Also, did they include a measurement for the pump linkage?
Slot 3 for both auto and manual and no measurement for pump linkage.

Author:  matv91 [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just curious, what book are you getting this from?

Holley illustrated parts and specs

Author:  matv91 [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

The orignal 1980 carb used holes no slots.The early carbs used slots.Also the 74 carbs measure for pump adj at a different loction than the 75 carbs.Info from 74 75 76 service manuls.After market replacement carb,was your carb number listed in your kit.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

fsm 1980 .110 for canda carbs, US auto .140 manual .150.
I'd use the Canadian-spec adjustment for best cold-engine driveability.

Author:  MattyBrown [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tip Dan, I think I'll do that for this upcoming winter.

Thanks for continuing to supply information, matv91.

There are a couple things that are making this harder than it should be. Check out my carb vs. diagram.


So apparently 1980 model carbs didn't have slots, they had holes. Well... mine has slots but only 2. I've always used the top one... not sure whether that would qualify as 3 or 2... Ugh. So not sure how I'm supposed to sort this out and get the linkage measurement correct.

And, NO, my carb rebuild kit did not specifically list my model but DID come with all the correct gaskets (exact hole for hole match to ones removed) and parts to overhaul the carb. These are the adjustment specs listed on the instruction sheet:


So, I guess I need to sort of fuse the specs I'm getting from you, matv91, with the specs listed here. Just not sure exactly what to do about the pump linkage measurement and those damn slots!!

Anyone got any advice on that?



Author:  matv91 [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its late but the short answer ,leave it alone. My best guess from the fsm 74 5 6 79 three different measurement points. Depends on year and slots or holes.2-21/64 common for automatics 75 76 with slots. Post up your whole sheet. And measure where its at now and compare.

Author:  MattyBrown [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 


Right now my pump linkage is set to 2-11/32" as per the 1945 Chrysler Training Video I found linked on this site. The strange thing is the video made it sound like this setting was for all vehicles, but the only reference I see to this measurement on the sheet is for a 1974 Automatic Truck.

I also find it strange that this data sheet contains no specs for which slot to use on the 74-76 vehicles. The Chrysler Training video (74/75 era) very clearly states Slot 3 for Automatics, Slot 2 for Manual, Slot 1 is unused.

I find it odd that your Holley carb book doesn't offer a specific measurement in correspondence with my particular model carb.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are specs for all the adjustments in the Holley master carb catalogue. I used to have that book, but I no longer do. Anyhow, if the car's running and driving well...enjoy and don't worry so much about 3/16" versus 5/32" or 0.110" versus 0.135".

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