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Author:  ddonner [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Response

There doesn't seem to be any sideways throttle shaft movement. And the float seems to be good. By the way, the carb is a factory rebuild that's maybe 8 years old with maybe 6K miles and had previously been running fine.

I've been trying to think of anything else that might cause a sudden drop in rpm upon braking -- maybe an intermediate vacuum leak that opens up when the front end dips? Maybe a change in timing somehow (and I have the HEI conversion)? But I haven't been able to come up with anything.

And, its the "front end dipping" that causes the change. Braking while stopped doesn't change the revs. I think I'll go out and get it idleing and jump up and down on the bumper and watch for something that moves that I haven't thought about.


Author:  wjajr [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Perhaps low fuel level in bowl that sloshes forward during a nose dive disrupting fuel delivery to idle circuit.

Perhaps some crud in idle circuit.

Perhaps it is time for a rebuild kit, as today's fuel is not old carburetor friendly causing corrosion of pot metal.

Or it is time for new shocks, and HD torsion bars. LOL

Author:  ddonner [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Reply

idle circuit is a real good possibility. I guess I'll pull the Holley apart again and re-do the internals cleaning.

I THINK the float is working ok, although that would explain it. I'll take another look at it while things are apart.

Front end. Well there's a world of parts (torsion bars, tubular uppers, re-enforced lowers, etc) sitting in the shop waiting for time. I thought the time would be this fall, but its looking more like spring -- life being what it is.

Thanks for the suggestion. Don

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