Slant Six Forum

Corn juice
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Author:  225kid [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Corn juice

Started to think about it, anyone running e85?

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:25 am ]
Post subject: 

A few of the turbo Slant guys are running it or have run it. I do not, partly because it is not available in many places and I travel long distances in my car. You can probably make more power/boost on E85 than gasoline and it appears safer for the engine.


Author:  Nicademas [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

if you dont run the motor regularly i wouldent use it. Ethanol tends to separate over time. I know there is additives that clame to prevent this but ive never used them. Im not saying E85 is bad or cant be used. just make sure it would work for you.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've used it twice, when the cost versus gasoline made it worthwhile. I get 4 mpg less highway MPG on corn squeezings than regular E10 gasoline, so as long as the price difference is 50 cents a gallon or more, I'd use the E85. No real performance difference that I could tell, just the lower MPG.

Now, using E85 in a slant? I'd only consider it for racing. Cheap racing fuel! For the street, it seems like a ton of work fiddling with a carburetor and fuel line replacement and timing adjustments just to use it, and it'd probably get way less MPG than experienced with a FFV. When I have to use a rental car for travel, Enterprise only says it has to be to the same level it was when I rented it. so I top off with E85 when it's a FFV.

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