Slant Six Forum

Late Model Head Swap
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Author:  Lmarine0510 [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Late Model Head Swap

Recently, a friend of mine was at the local pick-and-pull looking for parts for his own vehicles, and he came across an '81-'85 Dodge D100 with a Slant 6. He told me about it and I am planning on heading out there this weekend to pull some parts, hopefully a set of Super Six manifolds at least. I was also thinking about grabbing the head off of it as well so I could get it reworked at a machine shop and then swap it onto my Dart on one weekend without having to take the Dart out of service for an extended period of time while the head is at the machine shop. My main concern here is about the presence of compatibility issues here with using an early '80's head off of a hydraulic cam motor on my 1970 mechanical cam motor. My other concern is about whether or not the 80's head would be smogged down and more difficult to build some performance out of. Is it worth it to pull this head and have it reworked and use it on my motor or should I just pass on it and seek out a earlier head?

Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have done this swap. You will also need the valve cover and the rear rocker shaft bolt as it is different than an earlier head. There will also be an EGR port at the rear that will need plugged.

As for building, these heads are just as good as any. :D

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