Slant Six Forum

Master Cylinder
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Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue May 27, 2003 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Master Cylinder

I need to get a new master cylinder for my sons dart. The second Advance, rebuilt one has gone bad and I am planning to get a new (not rebuilt) one. My question is this. We are planning to switch to discs on the front soon and I would like to get a Master cylinder to go along with the switch. Will I have any problems ordering a Master cylinder for a disc brake car and running it temporarily on the drum/ drum car. Also would like to keep it bolt on if I can. This is a 72 dart.


Author:  225dart [ Tue May 27, 2003 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

a disk m/c wont work on drums, at least properly. the drum one has a residual valve to keep the fluid "traped" if you will so the pedal doesn't feel soft when you hit the breaks. the disk m/c doesnt have this. but , heres what you can do when you do go to disks. get a master cylinder for an 89 diplomat as its a newer aluminum style and if you can get it with the resiviour(which has screw on caps) it will save you from getting one from the bone yard. if you do have to get a resivour at the bone yard, any mid eighties to mid ninties car( reliants, omnis, shadows, diplomats,etc) will be able to donate the resivour. the only trick for this swap is to make a simple adapter plate that makes it go from the 4 bolt pattern to the new 2 bolt patter. the dimensions for this plate can be found on it can be made from 1/4" steel or aluminum. i have also seen these for sale on moparts as well. the whole idea of the new one in my eyes is that its lighter, doesn't have that stupid snap on wire thingie to hold the cover down, and above all, its not 30+ years old. this is a very easy swap as even the stock fittings bolt into the new style m/c. it works for power or manual breaks as well. hope this helps.


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