Slant Six Forum

Timing tab?
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Author:  Badvert65 [ Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing tab?

OK, I cleaned up the timing cover and tab from my 79 slant six. My question is about the timing tab.
I never really looked close when it was on the car, but what the heck is the tube for? I set the timing at the 10* mark and assumed that the tube was at 0*. That isn't really the case, the tube would be about 10+* retarded.
The other thing is, does anyone know the measurements for the timing marks? The reason I ask is that the marks on the (smaller) 65 timing tab (blue one) do not match up with the marks on the 79 timing tab (when compared side by side).

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  1979-1987

The cast crank damper on the 1979-1987 will match up to the 0 mark on the timing tab if a stock engine with the correct parts...the tube is for a Mopar Technician to insert a probe to set timing.... there is a "0" mark just to one side of the tube and the gradient goes from 0-30...

If mixing and matching parts (i.e 1965 damper on a 1979 engine you will have to find TDC by the usual degree wheel and dial indicator and remark your older damper to the timing tab for the 1965 is placed in a different spot than the later forged crank engines (1967-1976) and the early cast crank engines (1976-1978)...)

Did you get a new damper or have the original reconditioned so it doesn't slip under load? You may have to apply some timing tape to the damper and mark the tab so you have a correct reference,

Author:  Badvert65 [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I am going to use all the 79 parts (cast crank and damper). I just put the 65 tab in for reference about the timing gradients (they don't match up with each other). If I use the 65 tab with the 79 damper, I will make a new mark based on TDC. One interesting note, my 79 balancer has three equidistant marks on it (0, 90, 270). On my big block engines, I cut a mark in the balancer at max advance and set timing by lining that mark up with the 0 mark. I'll probably do the same with the slant balancer once I determine the best amount of advance for it.

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