Slant Six Forum

What's the story on these lifters?
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Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  What's the story on these lifters?

I have a dumb question about some low hour aftermarket lifters I have.
Here's a pic. Aftermarket lifter on the left, stock dumbell lifter on the right.


Why does the aftermarket lifter have a snap ring that looks like it could be disassembled? It's supposed to be a solid lifter. There is no oil hole on the lifter body for pressurized oil to get into it. I just don't understand why it's made this way.[/img]

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe that straight lifter bodies such as these whether hydraulic or solid are made the same initially and then finished to be either hydraulic or solid. If that lifter body were finished to be hydraulic is would have the oil relief band and hole as you mention, but those machining steps aren't required for a solid and so are omitted.

Author:  Reed [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Slant six hydraulic lifters have the oil feed hole on the top of the lifter because oil is fed to the lifter through the pushrod. I might be mistaken, but I think I see about half of an oil feed hole in the top "cup" of that aftermarket lifters. I think you got a set of hydraulic slant lifters.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

×2 what Reed said. Wrong lifters.

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Reed and Dan. Yes, there is a hole in the top of the lifter. I knew something didn't make sense. I got these from one of the inmates here who was apparently running them with a Comp cam and non-hydraulic rockers.

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK. More info. And Joshie is the man with the correct answer.

Removing the snap ring reveals just a little puck to hold the pushrod held in place firmly by the snap ring. The puck can't move, there is no spring or anything else inside the lifter.


A pic on the Comp Cams web site shows their solid lifters looking exactly the same.
--> ... 7467/821-1

They are a bit lighter than the dumbell lifter. 94.6 grams vs 98.4 grams.
Although there.s nothing to stop it from filling with oil which would make the weights pretty much equal.

Author:  Reed [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting. Thanks for investigating this. I imagine this must save someone money somewhere in the manufacturing process, but I can't see how it saves money to put more machining into a solid lifter. I freely admit that I am not overly familiar with machining costs and processes, though.

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, they could certainly make an equivalent one piece solid lifter for less money. On the other hand, Comp Cam's retail price on these is slightly higher than their hydraulic lifters for the same motor. The cost to make these is probably a little less so they're doing just fine in the profit margin department.

Author:  emsvitil [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like a hydraulic with missing parts.......

It's cheaper to take the existing hydraulic and with a slight modification make a solid rather than have a special run/tooling for the solid......

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like a hydraulic with missing parts.......
At first glance it does look like that but it isn't.
There are no moving parts. There's no way it could take up any lash.
The little puck that the pushrod sits on is held firmly between the snap ring and the ledge it sits on.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Reduce the depth of the puck and add a spring.....

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Reduce the depth of the puck and add a spring.....
Then throw them away and replace them with more solid lifters?

I don't need any hydraulic lifters just needed to understand what I was looking at.

Author:  Reed [ Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wasn't aware that Com pCams was going through the effort to machine a solid lifter to look like a hydraulic lifter and then not finish the job and make it a hydraulic lifter. Externally, those lifters look exactly like a hydraulic lifter. Short of popping the snap ring out and disassembling it, there is no way to tell from looking at it that that is actually a solid lifter that is hollow.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:25 am ]
Post subject: 

They make 1 puck that will fit in different bodies. That way they have shells for different motors and only 1 puck to stock.

Every penny counts these days.

Author:  ProCycle [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

When I first posted I figured this is probably a dumb question that everybody else knows, but evidently some long time experts are not familiar with.

I also posted the pics and explanation for others to add a missing bit to the knowledge base here. Now the folks who did not know about these lifters have one more bit of data that they did not have yesterday.

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