Slant Six Forum

won't fire
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Author:  Montana A Body [ Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  won't fire

drove the 69 valiant in front of the shop to work on some radiator issues, and once had the radiator straightened out a few days later, the car would not fire.

there is fuel in the tank, and added some more, fuel is getting into the carb, as I can see it squirt in as well as smell it, tried some starter fluid, nothing

the car turns over just fine, but does not seem to fire?

I might have flooded it the first time I tried, would a new set of plugs maybe help(on my allis chalmers wd tractor, once you get the plugs wet you have to change them or it won't fire until you do)?

figure I will start swapping out some electrical as it is needed anyways, but would like to figure out just what it is before I swap stuff out.


Author:  64DartGT [ Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Are you getting fire to your distributor and plugs? Install a new condenser in the distributor and check your points if its a old points style ignition system??

Author:  neilskiw [ Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Power to the coil?

How about checking for spark first? With the key switch on, a test light to the plus side of the coil. Voltage?

Or just pull the center wire from the distributor, set a gap (from the wire to ground), and crank it while looking for a spark. Something to verify ignition.

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