Slant Six Forum

HEI #86 when used with Ron Francis Kit
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Author:  scraigallen [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  HEI #86 when used with Ron Francis Kit


Making sure I understand the HEI Mod instructions when using a Ron Francis Kit. The #86 in the instructions says its a trigger feed that is live when the ignition is switched on. The Ron Francis Kit Ignition Switch has an ignition wire that is live in the run and crank position. I am 99% sure this is the one I should use, just wanted to make sure.

The accessory wire on the Ron Francis Kit is only hot in the run and accessory positions. If I used this wire, I would not get voltage in the crank position and I presume that if the ignition does not fire in crank that the engine would not start.

So far the Ron Francis kit is pretty good. They asked what type of ignition I was going to use and I said HEI. But the kit came with wiring for a regular voltage regulator which makes it sort of confusing. I have decided to use the RF Kit for everything except the HEI and Fan Relay. Those two items I will wire independently at the end to try to avoid confusion with them.

Thanks for your input,


Author:  Pierre [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, you want power to ignition during cranking and running, and hopefully it won't disconnect momentarily when switching between the two for that brief period.

Ignition and charging are independent. Not sure what you mean by regular (vs irregular?) regulator.

Author:  scraigallen [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

You are correct, I mistakenly said voltage regulator. The kit came with a pentagon shaped plug that appears to be for a Mopar factory electronic ignition. It seems to be of little use when using the HEI mod. That is why I am wiring the HEI independently.

The kit did come with a wire off of the "I" terminal of the starter relay that had a diode in line and said positive coil. The kit said you may not need that wire. I think this wire is hot only when starting. I don't think I need this wire, but I am leaving it hanging until I am sure.

Thanks, Craig

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Huh. Diode... starter relay.... coil? Without seeing a schematic I can't say for sure what it was meant for.

If the pentagon connector was wired properly, all wires you need for your hei should be there and at the ballast resistor. You can use individual connectors to plug into the ones on the harness if you don't want to cut the provided ones off.

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