Slant Six Forum

Thinking about a slanty 4 A 35 PLYMOUTH 2DR SEDAN. How do I
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Author:  RUMBLON [ Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Thinking about a slanty 4 A 35 PLYMOUTH 2DR SEDAN. How do I

make it look cool for a rod project. I know NOTHING about aftermarket old school parts for a slanty. I have one in my 77 Ramcharger but want to gain some knowledge on how to make a slanty look cool for an open no hood rod?

Looking for suggestions.



Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Does anyone have...

Hopefully a Killer Bee can help, if they knew of any pictures of David Erickson's 34 Plymouth that are still was a real mover, not sure the suspension he used either...I think the only thing that grounded it at Medford a few years back was the aftermarket GM tilt column broke and couldn't get it to sit right without a pair of vice grips....

Author:  GTS225 [ Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

That '35 looks pretty nice in the rain. I'm thinking a heavy clear coat over the patina, and drive the heck out of it.

I think I'd also locate a suitable front axle, perhaps with a little drop to it. Maybe an original '35 Plymouth axle. Run the parallel leafs, find yourself a rear sump pan and pickup for a mildly built slant, backed by a 904 auto. You would probably have enough room under the floor for an A518 (?) overdrive trans, but that would require a rather hard to find, v-8 trans to slant pattern adapter. That would give you an overdrive, and with a Ford 8.8 and desirable gears out back, it could be a nice cruise-mobile.

You can get, made in the U.S., a single four-barrel intake, and a twox1 barrel intake from Offenhauser. I think Clifford still makes an intake for three, side-draft webers, butr Clifford's customer service is sketchy.
There's Australian companies that make a few nice intakes, as well.
Doug Dutra, right here on this board, offers a true, split cast iron exhaust setup. You can buy both manifolds from him, or cut and modify your existing manifold, with a purchase of just the front manifold from him.
Offy also offers a cast aluminum, polished, finned valve cover.

T'were me, I'd run the twin one-barrel intake, using mid-late fifties Ford, Holley 1904 carbs, with the glass float bowl for some eye candy. Some say the glass is dangerous, but that's something for a different discussion.


Author:  Dart270 [ Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Very cool project. I have dreamed of doing the same car with a Slant. Welcome to the site!


Author:  wjajr [ Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Here is a 1938 Plymouth with a slant. Granted it's not in an open engine bay, but fits nicely.



Author:  Red [ Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not to pick nits, but that's a '39.

Author:  wjajr [ Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Not to pick nits, but that's a '39.
You are correct sir. I should have double checked the automotive archives shelved just behind me here in the man-cave's nerve center. LOL

I saw this car on side of road one day five or six years ago, employed file footage labeled at the time as a 1938 presumably from sale sign hung on window. By the time I got home down loaded the camera I probably forgot the exact year, or the addled widow selling off some unwanted iron knew from nothing. I suspect the first scenario to be closer to the truth being my addled brain as the culprit.

At any rate, I suspect not much changed by 1939 to Plymouth engine compartment dimensions that slant was so nicely slid into. I don't recall if fire wall was modified to accommodate the longer slant or not, and don't recall if it was an automatic or standard.

Author:  51Cambridge [ Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

My 51s slant pics in my signature. Beware of cheap chrome valve covers.

Author:  DonPal [ Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Check the distance between firewall & radiator for the 3

My 33 Ply conv, 34 Ply sedan and 35 Dodge pickup (early body)have too short a distance to easily squeeze in the slant between the radiator and firewall.

Suggest you find a complete car and check that distance for your swap by looking at a complete car first to be able to size up the work involved.

If anyone has any of the above family of cars with a slant or has seen one I'm all ears and eyes for info or pictures.

Author:  Tim Keith [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

The 23-inch Dodge/Plymouth flathead is a compact design. The block of the 201 - 230 six has about the same compact dimensions as the Toyota Supra 7MGE, which has a similar small bore (3.25 vs 3.27-inch). You'd need to do some custom work with fabricating the radiator support, which it appears that car doesn't have. A slant six swap has been done before. The P15-D25 forum might be a good place to look. Its relatively common to swap in the 25-inch flathead in these cars - the 25-inch six was standard in Canadian cars, the frames were the same. I think that where the 25-inch six would fit, a slant six can be coaxed to fit as well.

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