Slant Six Forum

62 Dart Heater Motor
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Author:  Dan-o [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  62 Dart Heater Motor

So the heater blower motor in the 62 found a not-so-happy spot on the contacts for the brushes and it started to "park" itself intermittently. I took it to a friend who rebuilds Starters and Alts for a living to see if we could get it going again. Unfortunately something isn't jivving when we put the main mounting plate back on and it drags/binds terribly and so I ordered a new one from Rock Auto. Silly me to thinkthat the one they'd list/send would come close to working. They sent me PN 35540 from $ Seasons if that helps. PLayed with the motor a bit and can't seem to get it to stop being tight on reassembly; runs pretty well w/out the mounting plate on. Anyone got any bright ideas for swapping motors for a correct one or anyone rebuild a stock one and encounter/beat the same issue?
Thanks in advance.
Here is a pick of the two side by side.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

We used to have an alternator / generator shop here that would rebuild motors like that, but most places like that are long gone. So I had to try to rebuild my windshield wiper motor myself. I sanded down the part of the armature where the brushes contact the armature to remove flat spots and gouges, and replaced the brushes (the hardware store let me scrounge). I replaced what I could and resoldered what was iffy. I was well pleased with the results and is much better than what gets sold as "rebuilt in China" junk.

I'd say go for it. A heater motor is basically the same thing.

Author:  Dan-o [ Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, we did all that. Something is off with the case or upper support bearing. I'll mess with it some more next week.

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