Slant Six Forum

B Body headers
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Author:  hemidart1 [ Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  B Body headers

Will the Mopar header for a 67-76 A body fit in a '64 B-Body? What's the difference and what options are there for me for a full length header?
Or would I be better to cut the old one half way down and fabricate the rest of it?



Author:  Doc [ Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B Body headers

Will the Mopar header for a 67-76 A body fit in a '64 B-Body? What's the difference and what options are there for me for a full length header?
Or would I be better to cut the old one half way down and fabricate the rest of it?

If you cut and weld-up a set, you know it is going to fit.
I have never tried to install a set of headers into a SL6 B-Body so I don't know if the A-Body ones will fit, I would think that the chances are good that they will or could be made to fit with minor mods.

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