Slant Six Forum

Can't seem to get miss out & bog taking off
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Author:  ernie22lord [ Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Can't seem to get miss out & bog taking off

1964 Valiant with 225 - just got back on road - new plugs, carb rebuilt, new plug wires, ignitor, coil, valves adjusted, new seals in automatic & new park cable with new choke pull off. Checked compression and all in limits, good oil pressure. Car has a miss at idle when cold and stumbles off idle when warmed up and a very small miss when warm - I am thinking its carb related. There is some gas wetness on top of bowl where plunger goes in? Also replaced fuel filter & fuel pump. The car has the Carter Carb. Are there some adjustments & fine tuning I can try on carb?
Thanks in advance for any help

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

do you still have points and condenser?

if so....check dwell,,,,adjust ,,,,,then retime

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Do a valve lash adjustment next... and leave the clearance on the loose side. ( .011 intake & .021 exhaust)

Many times this type of hesitation (bog) is caused by faulty or slow spark timing advance.
- Is the vacuum advance "pod" on the distributor working? ( and it needs a strong "ported" vacuum signal... that is why you adjust the valve lash, first)

- Is the mechanical advance coming-in quickly? ( check it with a timing light)

Author:  neilskiw [ Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Carb Adjustments

Here is the link to the Carter BBS manual. ... Manual.pdf

Before you go to adjusting the carb, I would try the valve and timing adjustments. Those adjustments fluctuate over time and use, while the carbs adjustments... (it is reasonable to assume)... don't change themselves. The caveat in the carb would be dirt/rust/crud inside it, or a worn accelerator pump.

An incorrectly adjusted pump rod or worn out accelerator pump would cause a lean condition when you crack the throttle, and that may ultimately be the source of your bog. The pump used to be made of leather.... maybe still are. Not sure how alcohol affects the longevity of that part.

And it is not unusual (in my experience) to weep some fuel out the top of the pump rod.

Author:  imanexcellentdriver [ Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I may sound like a broken record, but a simple vacuum leak might explain the problem...Check all the vacuum hoses-cracked, hard old hoses should be trashed and replaced.

Also, I'd try capping off the vacuum draw from the 6th runner on the exhaust manifold (you'll lose your power brakes so be VERY careful) and do a short drive...see if your problems still exist.

Of course all the other answers are correct for tuning problems...

Author:  BUZZIN64 [ Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I would check the Heat Control Valve on the Exhaust Manifold, sounds like it could be stuck open.

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