Slant Six Forum

Radiator 1973 Duster
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Author:  briang1964 [ Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Radiator 1973 Duster

So I needed a Radiator and after some searching it seemed the 1974 and up was available from Advance Auto 433497 . They did show one for the 1973 for a little more money but it was stated on another topic that the only difference was a larger trans cooler and a little taller.

Well here is the difference and it does bolt into stock location except:

It sits back further about 1-2 inches due to the mounting bracket. This moves the fan out of the shroud. Im guessing the 74 has either a deeper shroud or a longer fan.

The bottom 2 fan shroud bolts are ok but top does not match up requiring drilling two small holes and using smaller bolts.

I would like the fan to sit back into the shroud so may have to add a spacer.

If you can only find a 74 Radiator it will work but not perfect. The core itself is bigger but overall size is the same due to smaller tanks.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  It's...

It sits back further about 1-2 inches due to the mounting bracket. This moves the fan out of the shroud. Im guessing the 74 has either a deeper shroud or a longer fan.
You probably are running a fixed fan with the shroud?

What was your original radiator part number?

497 is for 1975+ A/F bodies, the one in my 1976 Duster is a perfect fit, for the 1975 Valiant Shroud I have and the 1976+ 5 blade clutch fan....which sits a little closer to the radiator than the fixed fans and the standard fixed fan spacer...

Author:  briang1964 [ Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

YES its just a fixed fan. There are a few options I guess to run spacer, add a clutch fan or install an electric one. Ill see if there are any problems with it as is.

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