Slant Six Forum

Intake exhaust question
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Author:  Chickabilly [ Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Intake exhaust question

I have a 87 Dodge d150 and I can't get the intake and exhaust to close completely together. It leaves a about a quarter inch gap between the two. The truck will start, very rough, but it's sucking to much air or something and making it smoke bad between the two. Help or any ideas how to seal the gap? I had someone tell me to just put JB weld around it but I don't know about that. Please help.

Author:  Reed [ Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Did you follow the proper manifold installtion procedure described here: ... unting.htm

JB weld won't hold up. You have to mount the manifolds correctly. The union between the intake and exhaust manifolds is also an excellent location for a Remflex gasket:

Remflex gaslet aren't cheap, but they WORK.

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