Slant Six Forum

904 Shift Shaft Seal replacement help
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Author:  REBEL [ Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  904 Shift Shaft Seal replacement help

Hey Guys, a while back I put out a post looking for a shift shaft seal. I have finally got my mechanic buddy around to working on it with me and we have the valve body dropped in my 1968 Valiant and the old seal out, but we are having a ridiculous time trying to get the new seal in straight. we are on a full size lift and have a good are to work but room is really tight between tranny and floor pan so it is really hard to get to and we have ruined a seal already (only 1.75$) no big deal. we were trying to line up seal on top and use a 5/16 socket to sit on the lip and push it down by running a bolt through the hole and gently tightening it to seat it, but it does not want to stay straight. Any help would be appreciated, if anyone has had success doing this let me know how you did it. Thanks in advance

Author:  icepaddles [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Am I right the seal is all rubber ? You can use a pick from a pick set to "trace" around the outside lip as you guide it in. Bent pick required if close space.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep, that's a fun one...

The last one I installed in a late 70's A904 had a metal outer ring and 'rubber' inner seal.... I had to do it in car, and didn't drop the pan or the guts... Unhooked cooling lines, etc that might get in the way,pulled the rear crossmember to get room between the floor pan and the tranny by letting it tilt, unbolted and removed the shift and kickdown arms, used a curved seal pick to pry the old one out, lubed the rubber part of the seal and fitted it about as flat as it would go, and used a similar sized socket and small hammer to tap it into place...reinstalled everything in reverse order.

Author:  Louise76 [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I cheated on my 75 Dart. Used a small hole saw to cut an access hole directly above the 'lil bugger. Still wasn't easy, but OK for my daily driver. :wink:

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