Slant Six Forum

3 on tree to floor shift swap
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Author:  mightyss [ Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  3 on tree to floor shift swap

i may be on the scent of a 64 valiant. /6 , 3 on tree. decent car, wondering how hard it is to switch to floor shift. what parts, difficulty level. ive done 3 on tree to 833 4 spd...not intersested in that again....come on manual gurus...not a fan of 3 on tree.....

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  It's...

ive done 3 on tree to 833 4 spd
It's the same as what you did on that conversion ..but... you have to watch it...up to the 70's mopar equipped the cars with the 3 spd manual with a transmission that had no bungs or lugs to mount the floor shifter to... so the only way around that is: 1) change to a floor shift 3 spd transmission (or swap the tailshaft housing... 2) fabricate a collar to cinch around the tailshaft to hold the shift...

There was one user back in the .com days that fastened the shifter to the body... going over rough road, speed bumps, etc.. could cause it to shift out of the gear.

Author:  bob fisher [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  wow shades of my 61valiant

hi sages- back in the 80s had a 61 valiant 2dr. with a sl6 and a manual factory floorshift. sadly it turned into a rust flake during jerseys snow and salt. this comment brought back two memories of that car. the factory floorshift assembly was bolted to the floor of the vehicle not the trans and the shifter rods connected to the side of the trans levers. the trans had a most unusual characteristic which was that the trans itself was actually slanted with the engine. do not remember this trans popping out of gear when you would hit a pothole or dodge a bullet. the slant on the trans may have suppressed this problem. always thought it was a manufacturing cost saver or a limiter on trans oil leaking from the side shifter levers. only one here who had a first generation valiant i think was my uncle dan. curious if anyone remembers this. recall in 62 valiants went to a column shift. didnt see 3 spd floorshifts in valiants again until 70. regards bob f

Author:  mightyss [ Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, i quess that answers that......keep searchin...thnx for replys

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  No problem.

Let us know if there are any other questions, we might be able to hone in on what you need...where to go.

Every so often I know that floor shift A-230 3spd's show up on craigslist here... (syncro first gear is nice to have).

Author:  mightyss [ Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

D.I. found somethin better.....72 duster, slant auto......gotta check it out..

Author:  kesteb [ Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe that Summit has "universal" 3 SPD conversion kits. I used one 40 years ago in a '66 Dart. It worked, but when I got done, the shift pattern was backwards.

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