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Timing to far advanced? limited by bracket.
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Author:  gdizzle [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing to far advanced? limited by bracket.

Hi broslants, I just removed my distributor and rotated the shaft 180, so i could finally attach my wires correctly. hooray, done. 1 is now 1, instead of 6.
I was real careful to mark it all so I could do an accurate 180, but it looked just a little off. If I went to the next tooth then it was way off (in either direction), so I settled.
Started up no issue, put timing light on it and waaaay advanced. I attempted to ritard it as much as my bracket allows, and it is still off the indicator, like I would guess about 19 or 20 BTDC. Engine did start to slow when I maxed it at 19 or 20. If I put it more ahead (like 25 or more) the engine picked up.

So how can I tell if timing is good? and should I attempt to move the distro another tooth, then put it ahead? Might get me back on the indicator. My indicator is old. says 0, then the word ahead, then 10 then another line. other direction it says after then 10 then another line but less room this diretion. Like this one. ... 1.jpg.html

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is your distributor bracket the type with a slot that the screw rides in? If so, there's a second slot on the opposite side of the bracket with another screw. This will get you some more adjustment. Problem is this screw is on the bottom of the base of the distributor. You may be able to reach it with a distributor wrench. Otherwise you have to take it out, loosen, re-install and time, then take it out carefully not moving the bracket and retighten.

Author:  gdizzle [ Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

yea I remember that damn 2nd adjusting screw beneath the dizzy. Impossible to get at unless I remove the oil filter.
I dont recall where I had set it, but probably would give me a 1/4in extra?

back to it.

seriously is there a tool that allows you to adjust that screw withouth completely removing the dizz?

Author:  Danarchy [ Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:32 am ]
Post subject: 

MAC Tools (S-149) Distributor Wrench

under $20 on eBay


Author:  Reed [ Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can get a distributor wrench at most well stocked parts stores. But you might be able to use a regular box end wrench. Or, pull the distributor and adjust the holddown clamp with the dist off.

Author:  gdizzle [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

no stores have this size 7/16 wrench. On eBay prices are $25. Some have it for $12, but then they want $12 to ship it.

Maybe I just go buy a Harbor Freight wrench and torch and bend it?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

no stores have this size 7/16 wrench. On eBay prices are $25. Some have it for $12, but then they want $12 to ship it. Maybe I just go buy a Harbor Freight wrench and torch and bend it?
What's your time and trouble worth? Get the Vim № V103, put it to good use, and get on with life! :lol:

Author:  SpaceFrank [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll ask the obligatory question. Are you sure the TDC mark on your harmonic balancer is true? The outer ring can slip if the balancer is old enough.

Author:  gdizzle [ Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe I can ask this question then: When setting timing, never mind the tab marks, but just looking at vacuum gauge and listening by ear. If engine is heated up, at hot idle, and I begin to retard timing and I hear the engine begin to drop, that is bad, right? So then I back it off a little till I hear engine rpm go back up, and tighten her up.
Doing this, when I check timing I am way off the tab, like 20+ before t cen.

And yes the harmonica balancer could be off,.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

When setting timing, never mind the tab marks, but just looking at vacuum gauge and listening by ear
Nope. Timing cannot be set correctly or helpfully by looking at a vacuum gauge and listening to anything. You're thinking of how to adjust carburetor idle mixture.
If engine is heated up, at hot idle, and I begin to retard timing and I hear the engine begin to drop, that is bad, right?
No. That's what happens when you retard timing at idle. It's not "bad", it just…is.
So then I back it off a little till I hear engine rpm go back up
No, you're still thinking of adjusting a carburetor.
Doing this, when I check timing I am way off the tab, like 20+ before t cen.
Because your procedure is not applicable to the job you're trying to do.

We don't slice carrots by balancing a spoon on our nose and listening to The Beatles, wash windows by peeling duct tape off the roll and watching cartoons, or plant potatoes by listening to the lawnmower and watching a thermometer...for the same reason.

Author:  gdizzle [ Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hell yes i listen to The Beatles when I balance a spoon. So how do I set timing and still hit a double?

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