Slant Six Forum

Problems with carb
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Author:  Lenny [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Problems with carb

So what did I do wrong? I have an old 1981 D150 with a slant 6. The carb is a Holley 1945 with a idle stop solonoid and a vent bowl solonoid. The truck had been running decent but couldn't take the gas if you hit the throttle quickly. I had good steady vacuum of 19". Ignition good and recent tune up. Truck had 84k miles and original carb never rebuilt so I figured I'd take care of that. I ordered a rebuild kit from O'Reillys auto parts and the kit made by Walker. I disassembled the carb and soaked the three main bodies for a half hour in dip solvent, dried them off and blew out the passages with air. The Walker gaskets were not exact matches but I compared to old ones and had to trim a small portion of one center to base gasket. For the most part the assembly went smooth and I had taken pictures of the carburetor so I made sure I got all the linkages correct. One thing I have noticed was when I put the new float in I adjusted it to be flush in the inverted state but noticed the original was hanging down probably 3/8 before the rebuild. Anyways I insttalled carb back on truck and it fired up after getting fuel. I let the truck run on fast idle for a few mins and than taped the pedal to stop it off of fast idle and it just dies. Got it restarted s few times and will run smooth and fast at about 1500 rpm but as soon as I touch the pedal it comes off fast idle cam as it should the motor stalls.

Obviously I missed something during the rebuild. So I took the carb back off disassembled it double checked my work and can't find anything wrong. I did try the idle circuit mixture screw in every position from one and a half turns out to four turns out and it really doesn't improve at all.

The two things that I believe are correct our float height and I have no vacuum leaks. What could I have missed or where should I start looking ?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Float adjustment cannot be set by eye. Very small fractions of an inch matter!

Author:  Lenny [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

It wasn't, I posted I set it flush. I kept bending the tab till it was flush checking it with a straight edge

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah, OK.

Author:  mwbean [ Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm having the same problem, except I didn't do a rebuild, but the carb looks pretty old and gunked up. see my post " no idle and more"
When you find the cause, can you post so I can check to see if it is the same cause?

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