Slant Six Forum |
Ignition Reluctor |
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Author: | my1983d15037521 [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Ignition Reluctor |
Is this pressed on?? 1983 Dodge D150 Slantsix Lean Burn |
Author: | Reed [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:56 pm ] |
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Yes and no. If you look down the center shaft of the distributor, you will see a felt pad (unless it is missing). Under the felt pad is a small snap ring then secures the reluctor to the shaft. Carefully remove the snap ring using a pair of needle-nose pliers. Once the snap ring is removed, the reluctor is still pressed onto the shaft and must be carefully pried off the shaft. Be carefull to not lose the roll pin that holds the reluctor properly indexed on the shaft. So, the reluctor is both pressed onto the center shaft and held in place with a snap ring. You really need to get a factory service manual for your car if you are going to go this deep into working on it. |
Author: | Dart270 [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:11 pm ] |
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I have removed the reluctor by prying up on it with 2 screwdrivers against the dist body. You do not need to remove the snap ring and remove the top end of the shaft. Note that if the reluctor is rusted on or really stuck, you might break the snap ring or part of the shaft or body. I have not had that problem, but it could happen. Lou |
Author: | my1983d15037521 [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:12 pm ] |
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Thank you!!! |
Author: | DusterIdiot [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Lean Burn Distributor? |
If it's a lean burn distributor there will be no snapring/wire clip to hold the governor on. Put dsitrbutor body in a chunk of large pipe to keep it upright and use 2 large flat blade screwdrivers and slowly pry up with the tips under the reluctor itself... not that this will not work well if you have removed or destroyed the drive gear.... Also I will warn you that some very late lean burn/ESC distributors have the gear/top of shaft as a non removable single piece and to pull the shaft out of the body as a unit by removing the drive gear(using the screwdrivers will not work and may marr the reluctor)... I have seen this type of assembly on the 1985-1987 dual pickup distributors... this doesn't show up on the single pick up 1981-about 1985? lean burn distributors.... Need to get a good photo/web service so I can post pics on this so members can identify what they have... |
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