Slant Six Forum

Slant six throttle cable
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Author:  Magnumforce1987 [ Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant six throttle cable

Hey dudes and dudets, got a 68 barracuda slant 69 with a clifford intake and holley 2 barrel set up. What seems to be the problem is that the throttle cable I have now is of a small block. It's too short (from Oakland) and wondering for this conversion, if I need a slant 6 throttle cable or a new lokar throttle cable.

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I would recommend just going to a bicycle store and using a mountain brake throttle cable. You can get them in any length.

Author:  JNL [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant six throttle cable

I would recommend just going to a bicycle store and using a mountain brake throttle cable. You can get them in any length.
Quit your mocking.
Hey dudes and dudets, got a 68 barracuda slant 69 with a clifford intake and holley 2 barrel set up. What seems to be the problem is that the throttle cable I have now is of a small block. It's too short (from Oakland) and wondering for this conversion, if I need a slant 6 throttle cable or a new lokar throttle cable.
Whoa. Is that a super 6 conversion for the Holley 2BBL? Is that a Holley 2280 by chance? You need to be more specific here Magnum. If this is the case, the original throttle cable for the one barrels carbs (at least on 72' +) is that they're (if I recall 22" long.) The throttle cables for the super six are the same ones used for the 318ci V8 which are 19.5" long. Hope this helps.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Quit your mocking.
Now there's an insult based on ignorance......

Matt is right...and you lack credibility.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Option #2...

Depending on the throttle plate orientation (especially if it is bore parallel to the head/engine), you can get a Spectre throttle bracket in the aftermarket aisle of your autoparts store , then use a long throttle cable from a late 80-90 Dodge mini-van, or from an 80's Aries/Reliant if you are hunting in junkyards.... (This is what I do on my hyperpak intakes, and worked even on a super six manifold mounting a Holley 2305 carb...)


Author:  JNL [ Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Quit your mocking.
Now there's an insult based on ignorance......

Matt is right...and you lack credibility.
As you do also lack credibility if you are also unable to correct my "ignorance" yet it's funny how it's an insult to call out arrogant [EDIT: foul language removed by Rob Simmons] (like yourself) who think they know everything without giving out the information (or even reading the threads information title.)

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Slantsix throttle cable.

All right.

Matt is correct. You can get a throttle ( or any similar cable) made up at a bike shop in any length with any ends. Its inexpensive and available.

....and , yes we all read the thread title...Matt gave the information...which I backed up.

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