Slant Six Forum

66 Valiant /6 hood clearance
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Author:  CruzinFNC [ Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  66 Valiant /6 hood clearance

Hey Folks,
I'm gearing up to do a 4bbl/header upgrade on my 225 /6 to unlock my build. Here's what I've got and what I want to do:
I have Clifford shorty headers, a Clifford 4bbl intake, and a freshly rebuilt Holley 390. I have a stock hood with matting. I want to run an air box or plenum (carb hat) with tubular inlet so that I can plumb 4" tubing down to draw cool air up from just below the bumper and under the stock located battery.

One of my ideas (preferred) is to use an airbox enclosing a round air filter and pipe cool air from below, thereby keeping the filter drier if driving in rain. Though the only airbox that I can find that would work is rather large and requires 3.4" above the carb flange top ( ... prod=98678). On top of that, I'm not sure it would clear the elec choke mechanism and fuel bowl adjustment plug without a spacer, which would further increase overall airbox height.

The other option is to use a plenum and pipe cool air from the same location through a round flanged air filter at the pipe inlet. This would run the risk of the air filter getting wet and dirtier since it's closer to the ground. It might also add more leveraged weight on the end of the plenum, but that could be mitigated by fabbing a bracket anchored on the K frame near the filter. If going the plenum direction I would prefer to use this ( ... ?prod=9849). It would clear the carb and all those goodies but would require 3.5" above carb like the air box. But there's also this ( ... prod=98499) which only requires 2.5" but may not have as good of flow characteristics.

My questions are...
Have any of you done anything like this? How much clearance is there between the intake manifold surface (and square flange spacer) to the hood on these cars (66 Valiant/Barracuda, early Darts may be the same). Do any of you have experience with these products and this carb and/or car, or do you know of other airbox/plenum ideas? Thanks in advance for your opinions and ideas!!

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