Slant Six Forum

Stromburg WW3-273
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Author:  JNL [ Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Stromburg WW3-273

For some reason the accelerator pump I have adjusted to specs but when idling, and I pump the throttle by hand, the accel pump shaft will not move downwards as it should, by design, but the problem is that will more engine vaccuum running the engine at driving speeds eventually run the carb as needed? I havn't driven the carb on the engine yet.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stromburg WW3-273

For some reason the accelerator pump I have adjusted to specs but when idling, and I pump the throttle by hand, the accel pump shaft will not move downwards as it should
Something's not assembled or adjusted correctly, or you've got a bent link.
will more engine vaccuum running the engine at driving speeds eventually run the carb as needed?
No. The accelerator pump has nothing to do with vacuum, it is purely mechanical.

Author:  JNL [ Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stromburg WW3-273

For some reason the accelerator pump I have adjusted to specs but when idling, and I pump the throttle by hand, the accel pump shaft will not move downwards as it should
Something's not assembled or adjusted correctly, or you've got a bent link.
will more engine vaccuum running the engine at driving speeds eventually run the carb as needed?
No. The accelerator pump has nothing to do with vacuum, it is purely mechanical.
This is what I thought. Merely wanted another perspective because I did adjust everything exactly as it should be to the specs. As a matter of fact I inspected and rechecked a matter of several times over a week coming and going from the garage. Appeared to be no bent linkage. New rebuild kit. Only problem there appeared to be was a slight warpage of the top of the fuel bowl (as the seller claimed there was none.)

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

If the pump isn't operating, something is physically wrong. If it's not bent or improperly-installed linkage, then it's an incorrect pump plunger (wrong one for the carb) or a correct pump plunger that has not been installed correctly. This should not be difficult to home in on and fix: operate the throttle and carefully watch what's happening at each pivot point and each lever-to-link and link-to-lever and lever-to-plunger junction to figure out where the motion created by the throttle lever is getting "lost".

(And you can quit speaking of me in the third person; I'm right here.)

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