Slant Six Forum

Overheating Slant
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Author:  crickhollow [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Overheating Slant

Reasons for overheating?

Radiator looks ok, I have reversed flushed and there was a little muck.

Thermo looks ok too, the correct temperature rating (I think) 180F.

Hoses seem ok.

Water pump works ok.

Engine block - not sure. It has been flushed and some much came out, but not much.

Ideas and advice appreciated.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Is it...

Thermo looks ok too, the correct temperature rating (I think) 180F.
Does it open is the better question, pull the stat and dump it into a boiling pot of water... let sit a for a bit and see if it opens, if not time for a new one... Had that happen on a Stant stat after 14 months of daily driving, it just would barely open and stick killling the water flow...

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