Slant Six Forum

1964 Valiant 225 maybe blown head gasket?
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Author:  ernie22lord [ Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  1964 Valiant 225 maybe blown head gasket?

I have been losing water from my radiator but car runs ok, not great but truly pretty darn good and doesn't run hot but I have to add water on a fairly regular basis. I assumed the car just lost water and that may be the case, I normally have to add a pint or so when I check ever couple of weeks. The car has no leaks and has had a new heater core and the radiator cleaned recently. Last night I had driven quite a lot during the day and when pulling into my carport I left running while working on a gauge I was working on under the dash. After idling for say 10 minutes I notice water coming out of the exhaust and dripping on the carport. This happens normally when I first crank the car but I've never noticed after the car is totally warmed up as it was this day. Any ideas, the car runs ok, has never run hot and I run up to 70 on the interstate sometimes. Never have had water in the oil. Ran compression check when I got about a year ago and all fairly close. Any other ideas other than run another compression check?
Thanks & Merry Christmas

Author:  Reed [ Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Remember that your cooling system was designed to have the coolant level be 1-3 inches below the radiator fill neck. Unless someone added a radiator overflow tank, the radiator fluid you have been adding has been purged out of the system once it gets hot and pressurized. That is why it looks low every few weeks.

Your lack of any of the usual symptoms of overheating are all good. Nothing indicates your Valiant is losing water or overheating. Water is a natural byproduct of combustion and you might also be seeing condensation blowing out of the exhaust line. Don't be alarmed by the water dripping out of the tailpipe.

Author:  wjajr [ Sat Dec 24, 2016 1:22 pm ]
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A cold start on a humid day will produce copious amounts of water dripping from exhaust when idling, less so on a dry day. Water also forms from combustion process as well. Until exhaust system gets hot enough to keep water in vapor form all the way to end of tail pipe there will be liquid water dripping on to ground.

This is why exhaust systems (old stile mild steel) in cold regions tended to rot out in a few years when car is used for short trips; they never dried out.

Author:  ProCycle [ Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Valiant 225 maybe blown head gasket?

...Any other ideas other than run another compression check?...
You can do a 'block check' or have one done. The block check tool pulls air and gasses from the radiator through a fluid. The fluid turns pink if there are combustion products. Any radiator shop should be able to do this. You used to be able to buy a block check setup at any good auto parts store. I've had mine for decades - really only used it a few times over the years.

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