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Super Six Conversion for Dodge D150 Truck
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Author:  jkotis [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Super Six Conversion for Dodge D150 Truck

I have read the posts on this forum about the Super Six Conversion for A and B body MOPARs, but has anyone done it for a 1986 or 1987 Dodge D150 pickup with automatic transmission (904) and power brakes? I need to know what they did about the kickdown linkage as I don't think the 1BBL carburetor kickdown linkage will work with the Carter BBD 2BBL carburetor I am installing. I have a Carter BBD 2BBL carburetor, stock 2BBL cast iron intake manifold, correct choke and the kickdown linkage from a vintage Super Six equipped A body Plymouth. On page 0-16 of the 1986 Dodge Service Manual for Rear Wheel Drive Truck, it illustrates a kickdown linkage for a 2BBL carburetor and automatic transmission. If so, there would have to be a suitable kickdown linkage I could use. My truck has a bracket that would interfere with the kickdown rod that I have. Does anyone know if there was a factory 2BBL D150 in 1986? I plan to use a Bouchillon BFE TorqueFlite Kickdown Cable Kit (3350) if I can't find the correct kickdown linkage (specifically the kickdown rod to transmission.) Has anyone used this kit in a truck like mine? Any other comments would be appreciated.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

The six cylinder two barrel option ended in 81 or 82. There was no factory super six option in 1986. It was available on trucks from 77-81 (or 82). Yes, the trucks and vans use different kickdown linkages from the passenger cars and from each other. The two barrel linkage you are seeing in the parts book is for the two barrel 318 V-8.

You have two options: make the one barrel kickdown work or install a cable style linkage.

Last year I installed a Super Six system on my 76 D100. Like you, I discovered that the stock passenger car super six kickdown lnkage would not clear the shift linkage on the truck. I worked around it by using the upper part of the super six kickdown (from the carb to the bracket mounted on the exhaust manifold) and used the stock truck one barrel kickdown rod from the bracket on the exhaust to the transmission. This has worked fine for almost a year on my truck. No interference and kickdown works OK.

A cable style linkage will cost a bit more and require more fabrication, but can be done.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:46 pm ]
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The Gearhead setup is what I am using on my 85 truck. It costs a little over $20 on E-Bay. You can't touch a Super Six setup or the Bouchilion cable for anywhere close to that. Only took a very simple bracket at the carb end. Of course mine is a 4 barrel, but should be very similar. ... c&start=45

Author:  Reed [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:10 pm ]
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Author:  DadTruck [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:13 pm ]
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was available on trucks from 77-81 (or 82).
the 1983 D150, and it was a late '83, built in Sept, had the two piece aluminum 2bbl intake and BBD from the factory

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:58 pm ]
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Get the cable and Save yourself alot of hassle.


Author:  Reed [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:33 pm ]
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was available on trucks from 77-81 (or 82).
the 1983 D150, and it was a late '83, built in Sept, had the two piece aluminum 2bbl intake and BBD from the factory
Ah! Thanks. I always forget the cutoff date. I know it was introduced in 77...

Author:  jkotis [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Kickdown Linkage

I did a trial fit on the new Super Six 2 BBL kickdown and throttle cable linkage bracket and the original six cylinder 1BBL kickdown rod (throttle rod) from the bracket to the transmission. It worked fine with a little bending of the rod to clear the bottom of the firewall. Looks like it gives full motion of the transmission kickdown lever. I believe that the end mounting position (of the kickdown rod connection at the bracket) of the Super Six kickdown bracket results in the same end position as the original kickdown bracket for the 1BBL carburetor setup. So, you can use the same kickdown rod (i.e. throttle rod) for either a 1BBL or 2BBL kickdown bracket. I must admit that my throttle rod is like the one shown in Fig. 5 on page 0-16 and NOT like the one shown in Fig. 2 on page 21-48 of the 1986 Dodge Service Manual for the Rear Wheel Drive Truck.

Author:  Scnoleman [ Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Super Six Conversion for Dodge D150 Truck

Did you get any resolution? I'm looking to put a super six on mine but noticed the intake only has one hole so I cannot hook up the electric choke. Did you have to do the same, or do the 2bl not come with electric chokes?

Below is factory manifold but the super 6 I have coming only has the bung to the right not the other.

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