Slant Six Forum

Question- Is it super beneficial to swap to Synthetic Oil?
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Author:  suurthing [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Question- Is it super beneficial to swap to Synthetic Oil?

The latest that ive read claim it is a good move for older motors...all feedback is welcome-thanks!
Happy Motoring

68 Dodge dart 270

Author:  Reed [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I use it when I can. It costs a bit more but has a longer oil change interval and does give better MPG. The drawback for putting it in an older used engine is that it has better detergent properties and can clean up sludge that was blocking leaks on the inside of gasket surfaces and the leaks will appear on the outside of the motor.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  x2

Reed hit on the major points... another bonus is it doesn't 'burn' like conventional oils and some people with slightly worn engines on the 'edge' can switch for their smog check and may pass after the switch (will not work if you are adding a quart a day or more to keep the level topped up)....

David Vizard had noted in one of his books that he used to mix 1 quart of synthetic to 4 quarts of convetional showed some improvement in test engines in dyno tests.... I would be curious to see if our older engines with very tight bearing tolerances would benefit vs. one on the 'loose' end of the scale where I think conventional oil would possibly work better....

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: ... ht=#451473

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've used synthetic since 1980, and never had any problems. Some of my vehicles had well over 240K miles and didn't leak, smoke, or knock when I sold them. Running synthetic may or may not have prolonged their lifespan, but I'm sold on it.

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