Slant Six Forum

Changed original plugs on '85 D100
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Author:  BamaFan95 [ Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Changed original plugs on '85 D100

Hello everyone. Just did the plugs/wires/distributor cap/rotor on my 1985 D100 225. The plugs are original from 1985 and have 61,000 miles. I just wanted to ask; Do these plugs look good to you guys? They look like the carburetor is doing a good job (to me) and there does not seem to be any oil on any of the plugs and almost no carbon buildup, but I'm just curious to see what others on here think. Thanks.

Truck runs great and no smoke. Here's a pic.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Plug tips look like "Keep doing what you're doing" (except for the ancient spark plugs). Plug 2nd from left appears to be broken at the other end.

Author:  BamaFan95 [ Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Plug tips look like "Keep doing what you're doing" (except for the ancient spark plugs). Plug 2nd from left appears to be broken at the other end.
Thanks for the reply! Yes, the tip snapped off, upon removal and got stuck in my socket. I guess 32 years had something to do with that, lol. I will definitely be changing them at regular intervals!

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