Slant Six Forum

Which head gasket?
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Author:  geminimotors [ Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Which head gasket?

Got a deal on a later peanut head for my 66 wagon. Theres four FelPro numbers and I wonder if one would suit my needs better than others. It's a well broken in bottom end, possibly never rebuilt and the head has only unidirectional marks on the mating surface suggesting it may have only been scuffed and not milled. I have no other info on the head other than the guides were replaced and valves and seats machined, not replaced. The FelPro numbers are as follows:
FPG 108 Steel Core Laminate
7918 PT1
8553 PT
521 SD Perma Torque Severe Duty

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