Slant Six Forum

-62 Valiant (and Lancer) driveshaft seals and bearings
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Author:  Fin65Valiant [ Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  -62 Valiant (and Lancer) driveshaft seals and bearings

As far as I have found out the 62 valiant (and Lancer) require different rear (driveshaft) wheel bearings and seals than 65. I can find the MoPar parts numbers in the book, but can somebody tell me the actual numbers to look for (e.g. national/timken/SKF/centric). I have tried to look for these on the Internet, but the results have been confusing. Rockauto for example (not being the most dependable source) talks about inner and outer rear seals. Something I donit really understand.

Any help appreciated, as always. The information is also for the proud owner of a 62 Lancer that wanted to buy some extra bearings and seals I have. Those being for post-62, I don't want to sell him the wrong parts.


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