Slant Six Forum

Another annoying noise....
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Author:  retrorobot [ Wed Jun 25, 2003 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Another annoying noise....

coming from my front end. This one is a squeal. It oscillates so I figured the bearings were shot. Replaced both sides inner and outer and the squeal remains. It quiets down while making a left turn and gets louder when making a right. Its just consistent while driving straight. Its a 63 valiant with power steering. Any thoughts. Thanks....g.

Author:  Eric W [ Wed Jun 25, 2003 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

It sounds like one of your right side bearing races (most likely outer) is spinning in the hub. My 10" front drum, passenger side did the same, and was able to fix it by putting green lock tight around the outside of the race and putting it back in. This was 2 years ago and it still holds. I had to try several new bearings and races to find one that fit "kinda" snug, then put the lock tight in. It has to be the green stuff! If the hub is to far gone (inside to scored or out of round) this will not work and you will need a new hub.

Author:  james longhurst [ Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

i had a bearing type noise on my '63 valiant once. it drove me crazy since the bearings seemed fine. it went away/changed around corners/turns. it had the original 13" wheel covers on it. when i took these off, the noise went away! must have been a gm design! :wink:


Author:  retrorobot [ Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  This forum rules....

It really is amazing. I thought I was going to have to bang out those new bearings I just put in yesterday when I figured I'll just pull my hubcaps and give it a go. So, on my drive home from work...not a peep outta those I got to enjoy the sweet sounds of the manifold leak and the rotten muffler all by themselves. Lucky me. Thanks James!!

Author:  james longhurst [ Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

glad i could help! :wink:


Author:  mszauner [ Sat Jun 28, 2003 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Too Much Work

Y'all go to way too much trouble for a little old noise. Whenever I hear a noise in my car, I turn up the stereo and it disappears... :idea: :idea:

Author:  Eric W [ Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

If I get a '63 Valiant, remind me to take the hub caps off. :shock: :wink:

Author:  Seis Inclinado [ Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Too Much Work

Y'all go to way too much trouble for a little old noise. Whenever I hear a noise in my car, I turn up the stereo and it disappears... :idea: :idea:
Ha ha, the mexican way, only way to go :lol: :lol:
Si señor...


Author:  kesteb [ Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tried that on a Escort. After a few months the bearing wore thru and I had to replace the whole hub and drum. Then I found out, that there were two sizes of drums for that year, and of course mine was the smaller, not so common one. The local autoparts store wanted over $100 for a new replacement! After taking just about every drum off, on every Escort in the local pick-n-pull, I found the right drum.

The moral is that a $10 bearing is quicker and easier to replace then spending a whole day in the junk yard looking for a replacement.

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