Slant Six Forum

Camshaft HELP
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Author:  mikewilliams [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Camshaft HELP

I,m have installed a new cam, and having problems setting the valves. I bring the number one piston to the top with the timing mark on zero, I check for the piston with a piece of wire, that's all I have. the cam call's for exhaust set at 22 and the intake set a 20, when I run through and set all the valves by turning the engine 1/3 turn at a time for the cylinders, I notice that some of the exhaust push rods are almost falling out of place, so the engine would not start, I took the valve cover off and found that all of the exhaust push rods have fell out of place.....I don't understand why


Author:  Fopar [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

You might look at the point you might have used the #6 cyl was ready at that not #1 cyl , check that you have both valves closed ( lifter or push rods down on #1).


Author:  mikewilliams [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

You might look at the point you might have used the #6 cyl was ready at that not #1 cyl , check that you have both valves closed ( lifter or push rods down on #1).

Yes both valves are closed

Author:  mikewilliams [ Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got it, I followed a you tube video from Comp cams and it work.

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