Slant Six Forum

Wire Harness ???
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Author:  Dizzydean [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Wire Harness ???

I have a wiring harness from a 70 something scamp I believe that had a slant. My question is: Would it be worth the effort to swap out what I can from my 67 Dart, Ive heard lots of negatives about the factory wiring and melting issues at the main connection. My dart has no A/C and just a regular small cd stereo nothing that draws a lot of juice and no extra items. I do plan on doing a headlight relay but not much else. This wiring mess has a lot of things I cant use like a choke control, ignition box plug, v.r. plug and lots of vacuum lines. If its not worth the time ill probably just sell it. Thanks for any help/advice.

Author:  Reed [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would keep it and install the dual field alternator wiring (if present) and electric chokevassist. If nothing else you have some great wiring and terminals for later upgrades like relays. Other people will probably say just get new, but I am a cheap S.O.B.

Author:  Dizzydean [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Reed. Its quiet a spider web of wires.

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